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The Crius V6 is an electric, electronically controlled, mechanically ventilated ventilator that combines invasive, non-invasive and high flow oxygen therapy ventilation for a wider range of patients with severe respiratory disorders.

AR 100C Portable Ventilator
Modes: CMV(IPPV), A/C (SIPPV), SPONT, PEEP (Optional)
Tidal Volume: 50-1200mL
Breath Rate: 5-60bpm
PEEP: 0-2kPA
O2%: 45-90%
Sigh: 1-10 per 100 breath
Peep: 10-60hPa (Choice of Suppliers)
Trigger Level: -10 - 0 hPA
Over Pressure Relief: <6kpa

The SV300 is a state of the art ventilator thats simple to configure, easy to operate, and versatile in use. It treats neonate, pediatric and adult patients with all acuity levels at ICUs and Intermediate Care.
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